Nohup is used to run a query in background. Suppose, if your query/task will be taking lot of time, even if it may take couple of days, then also we can use this. Today in this article, we will discuss how to run nohup SQLplus in Oracle. Lets go through this :
1. From sys user :
Replace SQL file name in place of test_create_index.sql :
nohup sqlplus "/as sysdba" @test_create_index.sql &
2. From other users :
Replace username,password and SQL file name in the below command :
nohup sqlplus username/password@database_name @test_create_index.sql &
These are the simple steps that can help you to do your daily task easier. The tasks which may take longer duration, can be easier. You don’t have to sit for a long time to complete this. I hope this helps. Also, you can get references from Oracle Doc too.
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