Today in this article, we will learn how to relink binaries in Oracle. It is recommended after OS patching or any linux kernel/ version upgrade. Let’s go through this step by step :
What is Relinking Oracle Binaries?
Relinking means rebuilding or relinking Oracle executables (like the Oracle binary) after changing certain libraries, patches, or configuration settings.
Relink Binaries in Oracle :
Step 1: Stop the database and listener :
Step 2: Unlock the GRID HOME. This will bring down the CRS resources.
From root user :
cd $GRID_HOME/crs/install
./roothas.sh -unlock
Step 3: Confirm the services are down and relink GRID binaries
From Grid User :
Check Services should be down :
crsctl check has
crsctl stat res -t
Relink GRID Home :
cd $GRID_HOME/bin
./relink all
Step 4: Lock the GRID HOME
From root user :
# sh GRID_HOME/rdbms/install/rootadd_rdbms.sh
# sh GRID_HOME/crs/install/roothas.sh -lock
# sh GRID_HOME/install/roothas.sh -postpatch
Step 5: Confirm the services services should be up :
From Grid or root :
Set env to ASM :
crsctl check has
crsctl stat res -t
If you see resources offline, then start them :
crsctl start resource -all
crsctl stat res -t
Step 6: Relink DB Home
From Oracle User :
./relink all
Step 7: Start Database and Listener Services
Note: You can relink binaries while the Oracle database and ASM service is up, but it’s recommended to operate a maintenance window to minimize potential risks and service disruptions.
Hope this article helps!! For more information, you can go through the Oracle Doc as well.
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