Linux 6 ISO download: Step-by-Step

Please follow the below steps for Linux 6 ISO download.

1. Go to the Oracle eDelivery site. If you do not have an account then create a new account otherwise sign in and search for Oracle Linux 6.2.

After that click on the Oracle Linux that you want to download. Here we are downloading Oracle Linux

Linux 6 ISO download: Step-by-Step

2. Click on Continue:

Linux 6 ISO download: Step-by-Step

3.Select the platform x86 64bit and click on continue:

Linux 6 ISO download: Step-by-Step

4. Scroll down to read the full license agreement and accept the agreement by clicking on the check box. Click on Continue to proceed.

Linux 6 ISO download: Step-by-Step

5. Select only Oracle Linux Release 6 Update 7 for x86 64-bit as the rest are not needed and click on download:

Linux 6 ISO download: Step-by-Step

6. It will download Oracle Download Manager to download the ISO image. Open the Oracle download manager:

Linux 6 ISO download: Step-by-Step

7. Click on Next:

Linux 6 ISO download: Step-by-Step

8. Open the destination to see the downloaded ISO image for Linux:

Linux 6 ISO download

9. Congratulations! Download Oracle Linux 6 ISO is done successfully.

Linux 6 ISO download: Step-by-Step

If you want to install Oracle Linux 6 on Virtualbox, you can follow a similar post for Oracle Linux 9 – Oracle Linux installation on Virtualbox

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