Welcome to our guide on Install Oracle Database 19c in Windows. You’ll find valuable insights here whether you’re a beginner or an expert.
Table of Contents
1.First log in to your Windows machine or VirtualBox as an Oracle user, invoke the dbca utility and respond to its windows as follows.

2. Select Create Database and click on Next:

3. Now click on Advanced Configuration and proceed:

4. As per your requirement, you can select the template name. For further information, click on view details.

5. Provide the Global database name and SID. If you want to create the PDB also then click on Create as container Database otherwise uncheck this option and proceed:


6. Select “Use following for the database storage attributes” and Use Oracle-Managed Files(OMF) :

7. Select “Specify Fast Recovery Area” and keep its default value. If you want you can enable archiving or you can do it later also.

8. Now click on Create a new listener and provide the Listener name and port:

9. Here you can select the components that you need. I have selected the basic Oracle JVM, Oracle Multimedia, and Oracle Spatial. You can select more if you want.

10. Use Automatic shared memory management and keep the value as it is.

11. Now click on Sizing and crosscheck the details.

12. I have kept the Character sets as it is:

13. Use dedicated server mode:

14. Click the check box if you want to create the HR sample schema in your database:

15. Configure Enterprise Manager(EM) database express if you want.

16. Here I am using the same password for both the user’s SYS and SYSTEM. The password is sys123. Also, provide the oraclesvc user password( password is Or#c73svc@123)

17. Now install Oracle Database 19c on Windows.

18. Save the response file if you want to use it later and proceed with the Oracle database creation on Windows by clicking on finish.

19. Please wait until the Oracle database 19c installation in Windows is completed.

20. Chick on Password management if you want to change any user password. Here we will change the password for the HR user.

Provide the new password for HR and confirm the same. Once done click on close.

Congratulations! You have successfully created the Oracle database in Windows system.
21. Now open the Command prompt in Windows and run the command services.msc. Another window will open, sort the services by Log On As, and you will see some services are running from the user oraclesvc. Keep all the services as it is and if you do not need any services then you can disable it.

22. log in as sysdba and check the database status:

23. Now check the listener status:

I hope you found this article helpful. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Explore related topics on our site to deepen your understanding like creating an Oracle 19c database on a Linux machine.