Today in this article, we will see how to check Hidden Parameter in Oracle. Let’s go through this:
Query 1: Issue the below command to find all the hidden parameters in Oracle database at once :
select par.ksppinm name,
val.ksppstvl value,
val.ksppstdf def_val
from x$ksppi par,
x$ksppcv val
where par.indx=val.indx
order by 1;
Output :
Snip of some of the Hidden parameters with values :

Query 2: Another Command you can use to check a particular Hidden Parameter
Here we want to check the value of the Hidden Parameter ‘hang_base_file_count‘. Pass this parameter name in place of hang_base_file_count :
SELECT a.ksppinm "Parameter",
b.ksppstvl "Session_Value",
c.ksppstvl "Instance_Value"
FROM x$ksppi a,
x$ksppcv b,
x$ksppsv c
WHERE a.indx = b.indx
AND a.indx = c.indx
AND a.ksppinm LIKE '/_%' escape '/'
AND a.ksppinm like '%hang_base_file_count%';
Output :

Hope this helps to check Hidden Parameter in Oracle!! Also, you can get further information from the Oracle Doc ID 315631.1 too.
Please Note: Be cautious before changing any Hidden Parameters in Oracle as it can change the behaviuor of the engine and may leasd to Critical DB issues. You can check with Oracle Support too if needed.
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