How To Generate AWR Report In RAC Environment : 2 Easy Steps

Generate awr report in rac
In our previous article, we have gone through how to generate AWR Report in Oracle. Today we will learn how to generate AWR Report in RAC environment. Let’s go through this :

Case 1: awrrpti.sql

Issue the below command to get instance-wise AWR Reports for a particular snapshot period. So, for each instance there will be different reports, for e.g for 2 Node RAC you will get 2 AWR reports.


Case 2: awrrpt.sql

Issue the below command to get AWR Reports across all the nodes for a particular snapshot period.


Hope this helps!! Also, you can get more information from the below Oracle Doc as well.

How to Generate AWR Report in RAC Environments (by version) (Doc ID 2089139.1)

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