VirtualBox Network Configuration for Oracle RAC Node2: Step-by-Step Guide

In this article, I will describe the VirtualBox network configuration for Oracle RAC on NODE2. We will enable three network adapters below:

  1. Host-only Adapter (enp0s3): Used for public connection – Manual IPv4 address
  2. Internal Network (enp0s8): Used for private connection – Manual IPv4 address
  3. Bridged Adapter (enp0s9): Used for internet connection – Automatic (DHCP) IPv4 address

Here I am assuming that node1 is already configured and you have cloned node2 from node1. If you have not completed the network configuration for Oracle RAC yet then follow the article VirtualBox Network setup for Oracle RAC and for clone, you can go through the article Clone Virtual Machine.

1.Start node2 and log in as the root user:

VirtualBox Network Configuration for Oracle RAC Node2: Step-by-Step Guide
VirtualBox Network Configuration for Oracle RAC Node2: Step-by-Step Guide
VirtualBox Network Configuration for Oracle RAC Node2: Step-by-Step Guide
VirtualBox Network Configuration for Oracle RAC Node2: Step-by-Step Guide

2. Add another adapter enp0s3 with the following details:

IP Address:

VirtualBox Network Configuration for Oracle RAC Node2: Step-by-Step Guide
VirtualBox Network Configuration for Oracle RAC Node2: Step-by-Step Guide
VirtualBox Network Configuration for Oracle RAC Node2: Step-by-Step Guide
VirtualBox Network Configuration for Oracle RAC Node2: Step-by-Step Guide

3. Add another adapter enp0s8 with the following details:

IP Address:

VirtualBox Network Configuration for Oracle RAC Node2: Step-by-Step Guide
VirtualBox Network Configuration for Oracle RAC Node2: Step-by-Step Guide
VirtualBox Network Configuration for Oracle RAC Node2: Step-by-Step Guide

4. Add one more adapter enp0s9:

VirtualBox Network Configuration for Oracle RAC Node2: Step-by-Step Guide
VirtualBox Network Configuration for Oracle RAC Node2: Step-by-Step Guide
VirtualBox Network Configuration for Oracle RAC Node2: Step-by-Step Guide

5. Click on the switch on-off button 4-5 times for each network adapter.

VirtualBox Network Configuration for Oracle RAC Node2: Step-by-Step Guide

6. Open the terminal and check that the manually assigned IP addresses have been assigned properly to confirm that VirtualBox Network Configuration for Oracle RAC is successful.

VirtualBox Network Configuration for Oracle RAC Node2: Step-by-Step Guide
VirtualBox Network Configuration for Oracle RAC Node2: Step-by-Step Guide

Here we can see that enp0s3 and enp0s8 have been assigned the IP addresses and respectively. Adapter enp0s9 will take its IP address from your network automatically through DHCP.So VirtualBox network setup for Oracle RAC is completed.

7. Now we have to check if node2 is connected to the Internet. Make sure your hosting PC is connected to the Internet.

VirtualBox Network Configuration for Oracle RAC Node2: Step-by-Step Guide

If you can ping Google without any packet loss it means the bridged adapter (enp0s9) is working fine.

8. Check if node2 is accessible from your host machine. Ping the public IP address to check if the Host-only adapter (enp0s3) works properly.

VirtualBox Network Configuration for Oracle RAC Node2: Step-by-Step Guide

9. Check if node1 is accessible from node2:

[root@node2 ~]# ping -c 3 node1

PING node1 ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from node1 ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.920 ms
64 bytes from node1 ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=1.29 ms
64 bytes from node1 ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=1.45 ms

--- node1 ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2003ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.920/1.222/1.452/0.225 ms

If you can ping the other node in the VirtualBox, it means the Internal Network (enp0s8) that is used for private connection is working fine.

Congratulations! You have completed VirtualBox Network Configuration for Oracle RAC in node2.

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