How to find DDL of a table in Oracle Database :

Tables are an essential component that store data in a structured manner. At times, you may need to find the DDL of a table in Oracle database, which is a set of SQL commands used to define the table’s structure and properties. This article will help you through the steps to find the DDL of a table in Oracle Database. Lets go though the steps :

Steps to find DDL of a table :

Step 1: Login to Oracle Database:

Connect to Oracle Database To find the DDL of a table, you need to connect to an Oracle Database using SQL*Plus or any other tool that supports SQL queries.


Step 2:Find the table name:

Once you’re connected to the database, identify the table for which you want to find the DDL. You can find the table in the database by using the following SQL query provided you have the dba access.

select table_name, owner from dba_tables where table_name='table_name'; 

Example :

select table_name, owner from dba_tables where table_name=’CUSTOMER’;

find the table name

Step 3: Find the DDL of the table:

Now you have identified the table, you can use the following SQL query to find its DDL: 
select DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL('TABLE','<table_name>','<schema_name>') from DUAL;

Replace table_name with the name of the table for which you want to find the DDL and owner with the name of the schema that owns the table

Example :

ddl of a table in oracle

So here are the steps that you can see how to find the DDL of a table in oracle database. Hope this helps!! You can check Oracle Doc to find the DDL in another way. Also you can checkout our another article to find ddl of tablespaces as well.

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