How to find all the DB_Link Details in Oracle database: Easy Guide

How to find all the DB_Link Details in Oracle database: Easy Guide

Today in this article we will see how to find all the db_link details in Oracle Database. Let’s go through this :

Issue the below command to get all the DB_Link details :

set verify off
set pages 1300
set lines 300
column owner format a18
column db_link format a30
column username format a20
column host format a10
select owner, db_link, username, host , to_char(created,'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') creation_date from dba_db_links order by owner;

Here, only 1 DB_Link is there. Hence 1 output came as:

How to find all the DB_Link Details in Oracle database : Easy Guide

Hope this helps!! Looking for more? You can get more information from the Oracle Doc as well.

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