Create User in MongoDB – Easy Step-by-Step Guide:

Create User in MongoDB


To create a user in MongoDB, ensure you have:

  • MongoDB installed and running
  • Access to the MongoDB shell (mongosh or mongo)
  • Administrative privileges to create new users

MongoDB User Roles :

MongoDB provides role-based access control (RBAC) to manage database security. Some common roles include:

  • read: It allows read-only access to a database.
  • readWrite: It allows both read and write access.
  • dbAdmin: Provides administrative privileges within a database.
  • userAdmin: It allows user creation and role assignment.
  • root: Grants full access to all databases.

Create User in MongoDB :

Step 1: Connect to MongoShell :

Open your terminal and connect to MongoDB:


Or, if the authentication is enabled, issue below command :

mongosh -u admin -p --authenticationDatabase admin

Step 2: Switch to the required Database :

Step 3 :Create User In Mongodb :

Syntax :
user: "username",
pwd: "password",
roles: [{ role: "rolename", db: "sample_new" }]

Example :
user: "John",
pwd: "pwd123",
roles: [{ role: "readWrite", db: "sample_new" }]

Output :

Create User in MongoDB – Easy Step-by-Step Guide:

Step 4: Verify the User :


Output :

Create User in MongoDB – Easy Step-by-Step Guide:

Hope this helps to learn how to add user in MongoDB with detailed steps!! Also, you can get more information from the MongoDB Official Doc as well.

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