How to create and drop oracle database using DBCA silent method:

You can create and drop oracle database using DBCA silent method. In this article, I will show you the detailed steps for the same:

create and drop Oracle database using DBCA silent method:


Step 1) Open the Putty/Mobaxterm software to connect from a Windows machine to a Linux machine and set the environment variable:

Hostname - 
Username - oracle
Password - oracle123

[oracle@machine1 ~]$ ps -ef|grep pmon
oracle 3456 1 0 12:42 ? 00:00:00 ora_pmon_orcl
[oracle@machine1 ~]$ . oraenv
ORACLE_SID = [oracle] ? orcl
Create and drop oracle database using dbca silent method

Step 2) Note down the template name: General_Purpose.dbc

cd $ORACLE_HOME/assistants/dbca/templates
Db creation step2

Step 3) Copy the Response File to create database using dbca silent method:

cp /u01/app/oracle/product/19.3.0/dbhome_1/assistants/dbca/dbca.rsp /home/oracle/dbca-test.rsp
Db creation step3

Step 4) Edit the copied Response File to create a database using dbca silent method:

vi /home/oracle/dbca-test.rsp


Db creation step4
Db creation step5
Db creation step6
Db creation step7
Db creation step8

Step 5) Please follow the below command to create oracle database using dbca silent method :

dbca -silent -createDatabase -responseFile /home/oracle/dbca-test.rsp

Please note that the response file does not contain the dbOptions parameter. If we create a database
using the response file, all the database options will be created.
You can pass the dbOptions to the dbca command line to resolve the issue.

dbca -createDatabase -silent -responseFile /home/oracle/dbca-test.rsp -
T:false,CWMLITE:false -sampleSchema true
Db creation step9

Step 6) Congratulations! You have successfully created an Oracle database using DBCA silent method. Please check one of the below methods to verify the same:

Method 1: cat /etc/oratab
Method 2: ps -ef |grep pmon > sqlplus / as sysdba
Method 3: cd $ORACLE_HOME/dbs > ls -l *.ora
Db creation step10


Step 1)Open the putty software to connect from windows machine to linux machine and Set the Environment Variable for the database that you want to drop:

Hostname -
Username - oracle
Password - oracle123

Step 2)Using DBCA Silent Method to drop(delete) database:

dbca -silent -deleteDatabase -sourceDB test -sysDBAUserName sys -sysDBAPassword sys123
Db creation step11

Step 3) Congratulations! You have successfully dropped the oracle database using DBCA silent method. Please use the below commands to verify the same.

Method 1 : cat /etc/oratab
Method 2 : ps -ef |grep pmon > sqlplus / as sysdba
Method 3 : cd $ORACLE_HOME/dbs > ls -l *.ora
Db creation step12

You can easily create and drop the Oracle database using the DBCA silent method. If you want to create an Oracle database using the DBCA GUI method, follow my other article ” Create Oracle database using GUI(Graphical User Interface Method)”

You can also follow the article Installing and Configuring Oracle Database Using Response Files for your reference.

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