Oracle client installation on Windows: Easy step-by-step guide

Oracle client installation on Windows

In this article, I will provide a detailed guide on Oracle client installation on Windows VirtualBox.We’ll walk you through each step of the process with a proper screenshot. Let’s get started with installing Oracle database software in Windows.

In the following steps, we will perform all the steps to install Oracle client 19c on Windows in my Windows VirtualBox winsrv.

1. First log in to winsrv as an administrator, search for Computer Management, and click on it:

Oracle client installation on Windows: Easy step-by-step guide

2. On the left side, click on Local Users and Groups > Users, right-click on Users, and select New User.

Oracle client installation on Windows: Easy step-by-step guide

Create a user called Oracle then click on the Create button.
This user will be used as the administrator user. Tick on the password never expires.

Oracle client installation on Windows: Easy step-by-step guide

3. In the same way create another user called oraclesvc. This user will be used as the service account.

Oracle client installation on Windows: Easy step-by-step guide

4. On the left side, click on the Groups, and after that double click on the Administrators.

Oracle client installation on Windows: Easy step-by-step guide

Add Oracle user to the administrator’s group:

Oracle client installation on Windows: Easy step-by-step guide
Oracle client installation on Windows: Easy step-by-step guide

5. Sign out from Winsrv Windows machine and log in as an Oracle user:

Oracle client installation on Windows: Easy step-by-step guide
Oracle client installation on Windows: Easy step-by-step guide

6. Now Open the File Explorer > This PC > Check the storage drives available in the system to install Oracle client for Windows:

Oracle client installation on Windows: Easy step-by-step guide
Oracle client installation on Windows: Easy step-by-step guide

8. Now place the downloaded file to the shared folder configured in your machine to access it through your VirtualBox Windows machine.

Oracle client installation on Windows: Easy step-by-step guide

9. Now open the cmd prompt and run the command mkdir D:\oracle\product\19.0.0\db_1 to create the windows home directory:

Oracle client installation on Windows: Easy step-by-step guide
Oracle client installation on Windows: Easy step-by-step guide

10. Open the File Explorer > check the drive mapped to the shared folder (usually it is z drive):

Oracle client installation on Windows: Easy step-by-step guide

Right-click on file and select Extract All:

Oracle client installation on Windows: Easy step-by-step guide

Enter the location D:\oracle\product\19.0.0\db_1 and click on the Extract button:

Oracle client installation on Windows: Easy step-by-step guide

It will take some time. Please wait!

Oracle client installation on Windows: Easy step-by-step guide

11. Go to the location D:\oracle\product\19.0.0\db_1 and double-click on the setup.exe file:

Oracle client installation on Windows: Easy step-by-step guide
Oracle client installation on Windows: Easy step-by-step guide

12. Select set up software only:

Oracle client installation on Windows: Easy step-by-step guide

13. Select single instance database installation and proceed:

Oracle client installation on Windows: Easy step-by-step guide

14. Select Enterprise Edition and click on Next:

Oracle client installation on Windows: Easy step-by-step guide

15. Use existing Windows user oraclesvc and click on next:

Oracle client installation on Windows: Easy step-by-step guide

16. Provide the Oracle base location and click on next:

Oracle client installation on Windows: Easy step-by-step guide

17. Now you can save the response file and proceed with install:

Oracle client installation on Windows: Easy step-by-step guide

18. Please check the details and wait for the installation:

Oracle client installation on Windows: Easy step-by-step guide

19. Congratulations! Oracle client installation is completed successfully.

Oracle client installation on Windows: Easy step-by-step guide

20. Now verify the Oracle 19c client installation:

a, Open the File Explorer and check for the Inventory directory:
C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory\ContentsXML

Oracle client installation on Windows: Easy step-by-step guide

You will see the installed Oracle home:

Oracle client installation on Windows: Easy step-by-step guide

b.Check the members of the groups ORA_DBA and ORA_INSTALL
Search for Computer Management and click on Local Users and Groups > Groups

Oracle client installation on Windows: Easy step-by-step guide

We can see Oracle user is a member of ORA_DBA. This means Oracle users can log in to Oracle databases running on this machine as sysdba.
Also, oraclesvc user is a member of ORA_INSTALL because this user is an Oracle home user.

Oracle client installation on Windows: Easy step-by-step guide
Oracle client installation on Windows: Easy step-by-step guide
Oracle client installation on Windows: Easy step-by-step guide
Oracle client installation on Windows: Easy step-by-step guide

So installing Oracle database software in Windows is completed successfully. If you want to install the Oracle 19c client in Linux then you can follow my article Oracle 19c Client installation.

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